Granddaddy Purp Seeds

Grand Daddy Purp and F1 Genetics LLC Collaboration 

F1 Genetics LLC has been a key player in preserving and maintaining hundreds of legacy genetics for decades, ensuring that authentic, historical cannabis strains remain intact for future generations. In 2005, F1 Genetics acquired the original GDP and meticulously preserved its lineage, working to maintain its stability and integrity while also experimenting with select crosses to expand its potential.

grandaddy purp

Fast forward to 2020, while in conversation with Mel Frank, an unexpected chapter unfolded. He shared seeds that had been given to him by Ken Estes in 2014, which MelFrank had used for his own projects.

grandaddy purp

By 2022, after a direct meeting with Ken Estes, a collaboration was solidified and Ken gave F1 a Dozen of the GDP Genetic Line CandyLand, Ken’s Kush, Ken’s OG, Snow Cap, Bay 11 and many others marking a new era for GDP breeding. With access to both the preserved 2005 GDP IBL F5 and the 2014 seeds via Mel Frank, F1 Genetics embarked on a historic breeding project, producing 17+ new crosses with the 2005 GDP Keeping GDP’s original legacy while introducing exciting new variations.

Today, F1 Genetics continues to uphold the authenticity of GDP while pushing its evolution forward, ensuring that this legendary strain remains a pillar in the cannabis genetic landscape. The 2005 IBL F5 remains intact, serving as a foundation for future projects while preserving the true essence of GDP.
