All Cannabis Seeds

Gooey X Blue Dream Cannabis Seeds

Gooey X Blue Dream Cannabis Seeds

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Freak Show x Wedding Cake Cannabis Seeds

Freak Show x Wedding Cake Cannabis Seeds

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Meat Freak Cannabis Seeds

Meat Freak Cannabis Seeds

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Freak Show X 1969 Skunk Cannabis Seeds

Freak Show x 1969 Skunk Cannabis Seeds

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Flo x Wedding Cake Cannabis Seeds

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Flo X Gorilla Fuck Cannabis Seeds

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Flo x Alien OG Cannabis Seeds

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Flo x D.J. Short Blueberry Seeds

Flo x D.J. Short Blueberry Seeds

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Skunk #1 x Wedding Cake Cannabis Seeds

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Types of Cannabis Seeds

Regular Cannabis Seeds

Regular seeds produce both XX (female) and XY (male) plants in a natural 50/50 ratio. These seeds preserve the full genetic potential of cannabis, making them essential for breeding, pheno-hunting, and maintaining stable cannabis lines. Breeders use regular seeds to develop new hybrids, while collectors value them for their pure, unaltered genetics.

Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Feminized seeds are bred to eliminate XY (male) plants, ensuring that all plants are XX (female) and flower-producing. This is achieved by reversing the sex of a female plant to create pollen, which is then used to fertilize another female, resulting in seeds that carry only female genetics. These seeds are popular among growers seeking maximum yields without the risk of male plants pollinating their crops.

Landrace Cannabis Seeds

Landrace strains are the original, indigenous cannabis varieties that have evolved naturally in their native environments. These strains contain both XX and XY plants, allowing for natural reproduction and genetic stability. Landrace genetics are highly valued for their purity, resilience, and historical significance. Some of the most well-known landrace strains include:

  • Hindu Kush (Afghanistan/Pakistan) – Hardy, resinous indica landraces.
  • Thai (Thailand) – Tall, long-flowering sativa varieties.
  • Durban Poison (South Africa) – Potent, uplifting African landraces.
  • Colombian Gold (Colombia) – Classic sativa with historic importance.
  • Acapulco Gold (Mexico) – Legendary golden-hued sativa.
  • Lamb’s Bread (Jamaica) – A unique Caribbean landrace with a storied past.

These landrace strains have adapted to their specific climates over centuries, making them an essential foundation for modern cannabis breeding. Preserving these genetics ensures that the original cannabis lineage remains intact for future generations.

Understanding XX and XY in Cannabis Genetics

In cannabis, sex is determined by chromosomes. Plants can have XX (female) chromosomes, which produce flowers (buds), or XY (male) chromosomes, which create pollen for reproduction. Both XX and XY plants exist in natural cannabis populations, playing crucial roles in breeding, seed production, and maintaining genetic diversity.